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The Fairy-Tale Party 2-nd Form
-         посилити мотивацію до вивчення іноземних мов , розвиток потреби і здатності практичного володіння мовною діяльністю
-         формувати мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови , сприяти практичному застосуванню знань і умінь здобутих на уроці
-         розвивати творчі здібності учнів
-         формувати в учнів толерантне ставлення до культури інших країн
-         створити умови для розкриття творчих здібностей учнів
-         розвивати комунікативні навички і соціально-психологічні властивості особистості
-         виховувати повагу до культури інших народів
-         виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови
Обладнання: музичний супровід , декорація будинку.
Narrator 1. Good morning , dear boys and girls
Narrator 2. Good morning dear teachers , fathers , mothers and guests
Narrator 1. Welcome to our Fairy-Tale Party!
Narrator 2. You see a lot of guests have come to our Party
Narrator 1. You will hear short poems and songs.
      Narrator 2. You will see the new version of the fairy-tale «The Little House in the Wood»

Narrator 1. Look! We have got a lot of guests
Narrator 2. They are all from different fairy-tales. So , guess who are they?

The children are coming in.

Cinderella. Hello. I’m a beautiful girl. I have got long hair. My eyes are blue and big. I was on the ball and danced with a prince. I lost my shoe. Who am i?
Pupils. Are you Cinderella?
Cinderella. You are right. I am Cinderella.
Red Riding Hood. Hello! I’m a little nice girl. I love my mother and my grandmother. I have got a white shirt and a skirt on. I have got a basket in my hand. Who am I?

Pupils. Are you Red Riding Hood?
Red Riding Hood. Oh, yes! I am Red Riding Hood.
Little Round Bun
I’m so round and so tasty.
From the window jump and jump.
Ran away from dear grandparents,
And got a fox’s tongue.
Who am I?
Pupils. Oh, I know! You are tasty Little Round Bun.
Snow White. Hello! I think you know me. I have seven friends. They are dwarfs. They live in the forest.
Dwarf 1
How do you do!
My name is Doc.
I like to sing and talk.
Dwarf 2
I like to count,
Read and write.
My name is Fred,
I am always right.
Dwarf 3
Hi, friends!
My name is Happy!
I am very, very glad.
I like to laugh,
I am never sad.
Dwarf 4
Hello! I’m Sleepy,
I yawn, and yawn.
From morning till night.

Dwarf 5 I am Grumpy, I like dancing.

Dwarf 5 My name is Jimmy. I like jumping and running.

Dwarf 7 My name is Shy, I’m always silent. Sorry, I have no time. See you soon. Goodbye!
Snow White. Who am I?
Pupils. Maybe you are a Snow White. Yes, I am.
Narrator 1. So we want to present you a new version of «The Fairy-Tale Party »

Звучить фонова музика
P u p i l:   Here is the house in the wood.
                  A Mouse is running through the wood.
                  It stops at the door.
                  It knocks at the door.
M o u s e: I am the Mouse. This is my house.
P u p i l:   Here is the house in the wood.
                  A Frog is running through the wood.
                  It stops at the door.
                  It knocks at the door.
Звучить квакання жаби
F r o g:     Croak, croak, how do you do? Who are you?
M o u s e: I am the Mouse and who are you?
F r o g:     I am the Frog. May I live with you?
M o u s e: Yes, you may. Come here, please!
P u p i l:   Here is the house in the wood.
                  A Cock is running through the wood.
                  It stops at the door.
                  It knocks at the door.

Звучить кудкудакання півня
C o c k:    Cock-a-doodle-doo! How do you do? Who are you?
M o u s e: I am the Mouse.
F r o g:     I am the Frog. Who are you?
C o c k:     I am the Cock. May I live with you?
M o u s e and F r o g: Yes, you may. Come here, please!
Звучить фонова музика
P u p i l:   Here is the house in the wood.
                  A Rabbit is running through the wood.
                  It stops at the door.
                  It knocks at the door.
R a b b i t: How do you do? Who are you?
M o u s e: I am the Mouse.
F r o g:     I am the Frog.
C o c k:     I am the Cock. And who are you?
R a b b i t: I am the Rabbit. May I live with you?
A l l:         Yes, you may. Come here, please!
Звучить фонова музика
P u p i l:   Here is the house in the wood.
                  A Hedgehog is running through the wood.
                  It stops at the door.
                  It knocks at the door.
H e d g e h o g: How do you do? Who are you?
A l l:          I am the Mouse. I am the Frog. I am the Cock. I am the Rabbit. And who are you?
H e d g e h o g: I am the Hedgehog. May I lie with you?
A l l:         Yes, you may. Come here, please!
P u p i l:   Here is the house in the wood.
                  A Fox is running through the wood.
                  It stops at the door.
                  It knocks at the door.
Звучить фонова музика
F o x:        How do you do, my dear friends? Who are you?
A l l:         I am the Mouse. I am the Frog. I am the Cock. I am the Rabbit. I am the Hedgehog. And who are you?
F o x:        I am your friend, the Fox!  May I live with you?
A l l:         Oh! No, no, you bad Fox! Go away!
звучить пісня «The More We Get Together»
                  The more we get together,
                  Together, together.
                  The more we get together
                  The happier we are.
                  For my friend is your friend.
                  Your friend is my friend.
                  The more we get together
                  The happier we are.
                  The more we sing together,
                  Together, together.
                  The more we sing together
                  The happier we are.
                  For his friend is her friend.
                  Her friend is his friend.
                  The more we sing together
                  The happier we are.
